Gifted & Talented (GT)
GT Seniors - Please download the GT graduations form, if you are interested in graduating with GT distinction.
GT coordinator at LTHS: Archie McHarg
To keep GT standing in high school
- If you were in LTISD GT program in Elementary or Middle School you are still in the program
- You have to be in at least 1 preAP or AP or classes every year
- If you skip one year, they send you a letter informing you that you are in danger of being furloughed
- After 2 years of not taking AP classes, the furlough becomes official. You can still take GT classes, but will not have GT distinction on transcript
To get GT distinction on your transcript (and graduation cords) you need
- To pass 3 AP classes or tests total in high school, AND/OR
- Achieve one of the following:
- National Merit Commended, Hispanic, or Semifinalist (test- the PSAT)
- Published in a National Magazine
- Top 6 in a UIL event at region, VASE, or DECA
- Complete the AP Seminar and Research class or equivalent and your final project is found to be outstanding when reviewed by the committee
Who can take GT courses at the HS?
- GT at the High School has an open door policy for taking GT courses, anyone can take the course. However, that will not give the GT distinction status on their report card, only credit for taking a GT class.
- PSAT taken during Junior year are used to assess National Merit Scholarships
- You can get you money for college; do well and scholarships are available
- As important as real SAT, because they look at it for funding
4 years of GT classes available (but not all required)
- Freshman:
- Take preAP or AP class (required)
- GT UIL Academics (Elective) (not offered next year, hope to offer again soon)
- Focus on Acceleration
- Credit by exam
- Credit by correspondence
- Students pick a UIL event they are interested in
- Find a UIL event you can connect with and thrive in all 4 years, so you can excel in it and place in top 6 in a UIL event in Region which gives one of the requirements for your GT distinction, maybe get a scholarship
- Do a correspondence course together in class (clears room in schedule for classes you want and teaches you how to do a correspondence course and take credit by exam)
- Can be taken Sophomore year if freshmen can’t find room
- Focus on Acceleration
- You do not have to take the freshman class to get into the other courses.
- Sophomore:
- Take any preAP or AP classes
- Take AP Seminar if you can find room in Schedule. (We can help with this)
- Junior:
- Take any preAP or AP classes
- Take AP Seminar or Research if you took Seminar Sophomore year.
- Senior:
- Take any preAP or AP classes
- Take AP Research (you must have completed AP Seminar) and complete an independent project with an outside expert in the field to generate new data on a topic of your choice.
AP Captstone (AP Seminar and Research)
If GT students complete both Seminar and Research they can also qualify for an Ap Capstone Diploma from College Board:
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing receive the AP Capstone Diploma™.
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research but not on four additional AP Exams receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate™.
The Benefits of AP Capstone
Participating in AP Capstone can help students:
- Stand out to colleges in the application process
- Develop key academic skills they'll use in college and beyond
- Become self-confident, independent thinkers and problem solvers
- Earn college credit: Many colleges offer credit for qualifying scores
View High Schools That Participate in AP Capstone
Offering the AP Capstone program gives school leaders and teachers:
- Academic distinction, as the program is widely recognized for its skill focus and innovation
- Flexible student-centered curricula with room for creativity and student imput
- Access to weeklong, collaborative training event
View Colleges That Endorse AP Capstone