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Character, Service, Leadership, Scholar

Advisers for 2023-2024: Scott Rust ( and Emma Elaine Bennett (

Invitations to apply to NHS for the 2024-2025 school year will be sent by February 16th at 5:00pm.

See below for more information about the selection process.

Students: If you believe you were overlooked in error, please contact Mr. Rust or Ms. Bennett.

Parents: While we understand your interest in your student's potential participation in NHS, it is important that you encourage your students to advocate for themselves through the application process. NHS members are expected to be independent and motivated to succeed. Please communicate with your students to find out if they were invited to apply and to get updates on their application progress. If you feel that your student was overlooked in error, please encourage your student to contact Mr. Rust or Ms. Bennett

Membership Criteria: 

To be eligible for membership, the candidate must be a member of those classes (sophomores or juniors) designated as eligible. (In accordance with the National Council, freshmen [ninth graders] are not eligible.) Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester.

The minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic average of at least 95.000 percent, or the equivalent standard of excellence. (The GPA of 95.000 includes ALL classes and the multiplier or "bump" points.)

Candidates shall then be evaluated by the faculty council on the basis of service, leadership, and character.

Students meeting the scholastic requirement are notified in February to attend a meeting where information forms are distributed. Those eligible students who wish to be considered for membership must complete the student activity information forms with appropriate signatures, and the specified essay. Completed forms must be returned to the adviser by the deadline. Once the completed form is received, the student's name is placed on a list of candidates for selection by the faculty council.

Overview of the Selection Process:

Step 1:  To be considered for membership, a student must be classified as a sophomore or junior, have a cumulative weighted grade point average of at least 95.000, and have attended Lake Travis High School for at least one semester. Juniors who are already NHS members do not need to re-apply for membership next year.

Step 2:  Candidates are added to the Schoology group "NHS Candidates 2024" and will receive an email to their district email address if they are eligible to apply for membership. PLEASE NOTE: candidates have not yet been notified. We estimate that the notifications will occur in the last week of February 2024. When notifications have been made, we will include a reminder in the morning announcements for students to check their Schoology groups and student email.

Step 3:  Any eligible student who wishes to be considered for membership must complete the student information forms (in the Schoology Group) and the specified essay (see forms for details).

Step 4:  Completed forms must be returned by the deadline for a student to be considered for membership.  This is an absolute deadline.  No forms will be accepted after this time.

(Please note: the deadline for the 2024 selection process will be published here after notifications have been sent.)

Step 5:  Once the application forms are completed, the student's name is placed on a list of final candidates.

Step 6:  The NHS advisers present the completed information forms and teacher recommendations to the NHS Faculty Council, which has final authority in selecting members of NHS. 

The Faculty Council is composed of five members appointed by the principal.  Neither the advisers nor the principal are members of the council.  They have no vote in the selection process. 

Step 7:  Those students who submit information forms, regardless of whether they are offered membership in NHS, will receive notification of their induction status on or about April 15, 2024.

Step 8:  Students who are offered membership by the council and who accept membership in NHS will participate in the induction ceremony on April 28th 1-4pm Ceremony at 2pm.

Community Service:

All members are expected to complete 10 in school hours and 15 out of school hours for each academic year. General rules to remember:

  1. All hours must be completed during the school year/summer on your own time.

2. In-school service hours: If it was completed on a LTISD campus and/or benefits LTHS, it will most likely be acceptable service.
3. Out-of-school service hours: If it was completed off campus and benefits the community (not LTHS), it will most likely be acceptable service. Each committee will offer an in-school and out-of-school opportunity to volunteer each month.

If you have any questions, please see an officer or advisor before your service hour deadline. We are here to help you! (and it's never a bad thing to exceed your required hours)