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Digital Research Databases

Facts on File Issues and Controversies Icon

Issues & Controversies
by lthslibrary learningcommons

To help students, researchers, and readers understand the critical issues we face today, Issues & Controversies explores and analyzes hundreds of hot topics in politics, business, government, crime, law, energy, education, health, family, science, foreign policy, race, rights, society, and culture. Updated weekly, with a wire-service newsfeed providing the latest headline stories, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles designed to inspire thought-provoking debates and research papers. Since its inception in 1995, Issues & Controversies has been a core student and educator resource for understanding and writing about contemporary events and conflicts, as well as for debate prep. It also provides comprehensive coverage and analysis every year of the National High School Debate Topic.

Click "Create Account" in upper right corner. Enter S6digitstudentID as username, and YYYYMMDD birthdate as password in order to save articles.

Issues & Controversies

Artstor logo

by ARTstor

A subscription digital library including more than 1.9 million high-quality images for education and research from a wide variety of international contributors, with a complete set of tools to catalog, manage, and distribute digital media collections.

ARTstor is accessible from campus computers, but students must register while on campus for off-campus access and to take advantage of the many features available to registered users.

1) Select “Register” in the upper right corner

2) Use your school school Gmail and an alphanumeric password of at least 7 characters.



Gale & TexQuest Navigator
by lthslibrary learningcommons

Access a large collection of authoritative digital resources:

  • College & Career Readiness
  • Full Text eBooks
  • Primary Sources
  • Recursos en Español
  • Reading & Literature
  • Science & Math
  • Social Studies

TexQuest Navigator Resources

Gale Global Issues icon

Gale Global Issues
by lthslibrary learningcommons

Gale In Context: Global Issues offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, relevant sources for analysis of these issues. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal.

Global Issues

Gale Literature resource center logo

Gale Literature Resource Center
by lthslibrary learningcommons

A comprehensive online literary site, Literature Resource Center addresses all facets of literary study in one highly searchable interface. Its extensive reference material includes: biographical, bibliographical, critical, and contextual information on authors and their works. Literature Resource Center's Titles List contains a complete listing of all periodicals and journals within LRC.

Literature Resource Center

Gale US History logo

Gale U.S. History in Context
by lthslibrary learningcommons

Contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. Gale U.S. History merges authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.

U.S. History in Context

Gale World History logo

Gale World History in Context
by lthslibrary learningcommons

Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in world history from a variety of sources.

World History in Context

Jstor logo

by lthslibrary learningcommons

JSTOR is a growing digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.
Access is IP authenticated on the LTHS campus.
For remote access, must use the lthslibrary learningcommons ID & PW.


Gale National geo logo

National Geographic Archive
by lthslibrary learningcommons

National Geographic Virtual Library(NGVL) supports a range of scholarly research needs in the areas of science, history, technology, the environment, cultures, and more. 

National Geographic Archive


Salem Press logo

Salem Press
by lthslibrary learningcommons

A database of critical insights on themes concerning Literature, Applied Science, and Biomes and Ecosystems, Health, & Careers.

Explore the resource by using the lthslibrary learningcommons ID & PW!

Salem Press


World Book Online logo

World Book Encyclopedia
by lthslibrary learningcommons

Excellent encyclopedic research site with multiple resources and tools such as text-to speech capability, a built-in translator, illustrations and sound files.

World Book Online